Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In response to religious folks and others

I am a member of the Zeitgeist Movement, and understand the idea being proposed.

The movie was the opinion of the maker, and most of us in the movie do not think the religious part was necessary or desirable. It just turned off a lot of folks who really don't have any reason to fear the ZM. We don't care what religion someone is. or if they have any religion. It's irrelevant to the idea of the ZM we propose.

The ZM has no 'hierarchy' ruling it. It is a movement, not an organization. There is no 'Plan', rigid and unchangeable, to be implemented. It's an idea whose time has come, not a 'ism' or ideology in the usual sense of the word. It is inherent in the ZM concept that no coercion or intimidation shall be used in the ZM effort. It is not a political system. Nobody will lose anything or have anything taken away from them. Only a good means can create a good end. And it will not restrict anyone's freedom, it will add a level of freedom most people cannot even imagine.

Especially it will give us all the freedom from fear that now grips and destroys the world.

It will not be a utopia. Utopias are impossible. Human seem to love making problems to solve. But such problems don't have to destroy the environment or kill so many children through starvation and preventable diseases as is happening now. The ZM is about self-education and resources, not about politics or currency. Yes, it hopes to get rid of many existing systems that have obviously not worked and we think will never work, which, if retained by the Human Species, will doom us on this planet.

I will be happy to answer any questions about the ZM to the best of my knowledge, but I will not argue with anyone or provide 'proof', since ideas unimplemented cannot be 'proved'. The ZM is a work in progress, not a fixed idea. But I will correct statements which others make which are deliberate BS yelled out into this public venue. The ZM is not about pointing out negative stuff. It's about find positive answers to the existing insanity on this planet.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it would have been better not to have mentioned it than to have taken a rather acerbic view of it all. But religion/politics is an issue that does need to be addressed rather than dismissed as unimportant while at the same time the source of all our troubles. Politics and religion evokes much passion in people and a movement needs to be able to harness that passion....somehow. This is why I think "wise dialogue" efforts in communities are important because they tend to get people who think differently to work together on solving the divisive issues. Politics and religion are institutions of social control in that they establish policy and ZM seeks to establish more earth friendly, fact based and equitable policy, so does the Green Party. The GP is not a hierarchy either yet it has been very slow in gaining ground in the USA. While people I talk to agree with our policy positions they tend to reject any party challenging the status quo based on its lack of popularity. So it appears to me that the GP or ZM will have to gain celebrity status in the USA in order to gain any significant ground. Meanwhile I can buy a pair of Obama sneakers and get a free Obama basket ball.
