I read a lot of these messages on the Zeitgeist/Venus Project thing.
Interesting. I've been following it, the Venus Project. I like the idea. I see the communist connection, and the anarchist connection. Though, they are both, scary and poisoned words.
They had no police force, and no crime, unless you count the criminals, fascist republicans who came from Madrid in 1939. They had worker managed factories.. No concept of money, everything was done by barter. On the youtube videos, a Catalan did point out that it was the absence of money, that attributed to the absence of crime.
Jacque Fresco in his FAQ claims it is not communism. Either he misunderstands the word and/or fears it. It is right to be feared. Stalin and Lenin with the help of the US destroyed communism in Russia, turned it into "state capitalism" which is what people currently "understand" communism to be. I really want to make sure.
My Response:
It is not communism.
It is a tendency of modern mind to pigeonhole anything new into a previous concept or philosophy. It could just as easily pigeonholed into Christianity, since the bible said "All who believed held all things in common, sold what they had, and gave to the many, and so each man received what he needth." (something like that, anyway)
But it's not that either.
The Zeitgeist Movement is not about bringing into existence an 'ism'. It's about the use of technology in a comprehensive way on a global scale. It's about using the scientific method for making decisions. It's about the ability of computer to take in large blocks of data and produce workable answers.
It's about giving people their lives back, giving them a much higher level of initiative, a far better ability to bring their dreams into existence, give them far more time to do what they want to do, and the tools of education and technology to create what they want to create.
It's not about controlling people's lives, implanting anything on or in them, having computers control them, setting up new hierarchies or elites to replace those who rule them now, or turning people into drones.
Children have dreams about what they want to do in life. By the time they are teenagers, they learn the ugly truth... instead of 'you can do anything you want in life' they learn 'you can do anything you can afford to do in life' and to afford to do anything, you have to spend your time doing what you are told to do, in order to get the money.
And for every idea they have to change things to a better way, they hear... 'Never happen ...because those with money, power, etc, will stop you.' And every idea they want to do, they hear... "where's the money going to come from?" And they figure out they are to be wasted, used, and manipulated, nothing more.
Communism is an ideology. To live in a Communism, you have to agree to the ideology. The Zeitgeist Movement is not an ideology, you don't have to believe in the same things to be part of it.
Buckminster Fuller came up with a way to measure labor. He said a single 'energy slave' (ES) is what an uneducated slave can do in one day bare handed. Each American has the equivalent of 2k ES at his disposal because of the leverage of technology. But the technology is not comprehensive, so it messes up the environment. The same number of ES, if used more efficiently, could provide the same work, but without the environmental destruction. The richest kings of the past only had a few hundred ES, and the serfs had, at best, 1 or 2 ES. Most 3rd world individuals, right now, have .80 ES, so they are screwed.
The ZM wants to give everyone 5k, 10k, 20k ES or more, which will end human labor as we know it. Which would give people more freedom and wealth than anytime in history. No utopia involved. No ideology involved. No intimidation involved. Just a longer lever that benefits everyone.
(Criticisms and opinions are welcomed.)
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